GeoBiking CO_70 GWC Trail Descrition

GlenWoodC GlenWood Canyon Trail
Trail Network Overview Trail starts at W end of Two Rivers Park in Glenwood Springs, up river to Dotsero Trailhead
Key GWC Connects to: Rio Grande Rail Trail Also Known As:
Waypoints 29 New
Website Modified
Distance Statistics
Cycle Computer TrackLog Route   Round Trip
16.4 14.3
Elevation Statistics
Start End Min Max Gain Ascent Descent Grade
5,752 6,176 5,729 6,176 424 1,772 4
Type Regional / Drainage Rating Easy, only a few grades
Codes Rpcar Track # 225
Surfaces Concrete, Asphalt, City streets
Notes Award winning trail, with side option up highly photographed lake & falls.
Track Color Map Color Track Starts @ Track Ends @
Magenta Pink Parking Area Two Rivers Park (GWC2rprr) Dotsero Trail Head - (GWCdth)
Waypoint Longitude Latitude Comment Altitude Waypoint Type Long Description / note
GWC2rprr 39 33.114 -107 19.931 Ball Field RR 5,746 Restroom Two Rivers Park Ball Field Restroom
GWC2rp 39 33.114 -107 20.023 2 Rivers Park 5,752 Parking Area Two Rivers Park Parking off Devereux Rd
GWCrgr 39 32.986 -107 19.800 RioGrande Tr 5,732 Bike Trail Rio Grande Regional Trail
GWCl70 39 32.954 -107 19.695 Laurel I70 5,729 Flag, Blue Laurel St @ I70
GWCl6th 39 33,009 -107 19.617 Laurel 6th 5,760 Flag, Blue Laurel St @ 6th Ave
Track avoids crossing Grand Ave
GWCcg 39 33.049 -107 19.182 Canyon Gate 5,755 Flag, Red Gate @ Yampah Spa
GWCo70 39 33.658 -107 18.604 Over I70 5,825 Bridge Over I70, Trail uses old US 6
GWCpav 39 33.491 -107 18.513 Pavillion 5,779 Picnic Area Pavillion
GWCnnl 39 33.700 -107 18.147 share NoName Ln 5,773 Flag, Red Share No Name Lane E
GWCnnra 39 33.621 -107 17.589 Resume Path 5,887 Flag, Blue Resume bike path at Rest Area entrance
GWCras 39 33.503 -107 17.490 Spur to RA 5,822 Bike Trail Spur trail to Rest Area
GWCgcrr 39 33.637 -107 15.089 Grizzly Cr RR 5,865 Restroom Rest Area
GWCgct 39 33.635 -107 15.025 Grizzly Cr Tr 5,861 Trail Head Bike Path to Additonal parking & trail
GWCsrr 39 34.174 -107 13.673 Shoshone PwrPlant 5,961 Restroom Restroom under I70 - Kayak/Raft launch
GWCsdd 39 35.271 -107 11.642 Shoshone Diversion 6,121 Dam Diversion Dam for power plant
GWChlth 39 35.378 -107 11.395 HangingLake RR 6,127 Restroom Restrooms, Parking (0.4 Miles to trail)
GWChlt 39 35.560 -107 11.052 HangingLake Tr 6,133 Trail Head Steep, rocky 1.2 mile trail to Hanging Lake &
Spouting Rock
GWChut 39 36.034 -107 11.463 Small Shelter 7,017 Lodge Small shelter near trail
GWCsrt 39 36.068 -107 11.533 SpoutingRock Tr 7,165 Trail Head Steep trail to Spouting Rock
GWChl 39 36.075 -107 11.494 Hanging Lake 7,164 Scenic Area Awesome
QWCsr 39 36.108 -107 11.538 Spouting Rock 7,257 Shower Do not touch water here or Hanging Lake!
GWChltrr 39 35.565 -107 11.017 HangingLake RR 6,139 Restroom Hidden on other side of Dead Horse Creek
GWCup1 39 36.100 -107  9.896 UP 1 6,114 Tunnel Under EB
GWCup2 39 36.120 -107  9.736 UP 2 6,117 Tunnel Back out
GWCbr 39 36.856 -107  8.328 Blair Ranch 6,132 Restroom Blair Ranch Rest Area
GWCup3 39 37.432 -107  7.358 UP 3 6,127 Tunnel  
GWCup4 39 37.490 -107  7.211 UP 4 6,151 Tunnel  
QWCup5 39 37.540 -107  6.357 UP 5 6,154 Tunnel  
GWCdth 39 37.604 -107  6.337 Dotsero TH RR 6,176 Restroom End of Trail  - N Frontage Rd from Dotsero