Geobiking CO_70 RFE Trail Description

RiverFrontE River Front Trail E - Grand Junction
Trail Network Overview
Key RFE Connects to: Redlands Riverside Pkys Also Known As: Las Colonias, Parks and WIldlife
  River Front Trail W
Waypoints 22 New
Website Modified
Distance Statistics
Cycle Computer TrackLog Route   Round Trip
13.7 8.5
Elevation Statistics
Start End Min Max Gain Ascent Descent Grade
4,638 4,570 4,568 4,670 -68 281 0
Type MUPS / Drainage Rating Easy
Codes Rpac Track # 251
Surfaces Concrete,
Notes Contains bike lane route to connect E & W sections of this trail
Track Color Map Color Track Starts @ Track Ends @
Magenta Magenta D 1/2 & 33 1/2 (RFEeote) Watson Island Trail (RFEwil)
Waypoint Longitude Latitude Comment Altitude Waypoint Type Long Description / note
RFEeote 39 04.204 -108 25.898 EOT E D 1/2 33 1/2 4,638 Bike Trail Start of Clifton Nature Park Section
RFEdths 39 03.598 -108 27.023 D Rd TH Spur 4,629 Bike Trail E Orchard Mesa Loop
RFEdth 39 03.763 -108 27.131 D Rd TH 4,615 Parking Area D Rd Trailhead - not in route
RFEc5s 39 03.470 -108 27.291 C 1/2 Rd Spur 4,633 Bike Trail Spur to C 1/2 Rd
RFEc5s 39 03.336 -108 27,121 C 1/2 Rd 4,713 Bike Trail E Orchard Mesa Loop - not in route
RFEcle 39 03.327 -108 27.644 Corn Lake E 4,599 Bike Trail James M Robb Colorado River State Park
Parks and WIldlife Section starts
Track includes alternate street section
RFEclrre 39 03.425 -108 27.607 RR E 4,598 Restroom E Restroom
RFEclrrw 39 03.443 -108 27.815 RR W 4,599 Restroom W Restroom
RFEclw 39 03.404 -108 27.973 Corn Lake W 4,600 Bike Trail W end of Corn Lake loop
RFEop 39 03.502 -108 29.060 Observation Point 4,601 Scenic Area  
RFEwlths 39 03.394 -108 29.321 Wildlife TH Spur 4,582 Bike Trail Spur 
RFEwlth 39 03.617 -108 29.295 Wildlife TH RR 4,609 Restroom State Park - permit or fee required
not in route
RFE30s 39 03.233 -108 29.791 Spur to 30 Rd 4,608 Bike Trail Spur 
RFErrpe 39 03.120 -108 30.907 RRP Tr E 4,568 Bike Trail RRP Tr E junction - less elevation gain option
RFEuna 39 02.664 -108 30.928 Unaweep 4,647 Flag, Blue Follow Unaweep E
RFE2738 39 02.912 -108 32.718 27 3/8 Rd 4,635 Flag, Blue Follow Rd N to Eagle Rim Park
RFEerp 39 03.127 -108 32.720 Eagle Rim Pk 4,664 Park Park with view & Skate Park
RFElcs 39 03.296 -108 32.757 LasColonias Spur 4,575 Bike Trail Spur E
RFE27c 39 03.349 -108 32.581 27 1/2 Rd & C 1/2 Rd 4,568 Bike Trail Not in route
RFErrplc 39 03.346 -108 33.159 RRP Tr 4,575 Bike Trail Connection to RRP Tr
RFElcth 39 03.271 -108 33.629 TH LasColonias 4,568 Bike Trail Short spur to Trailhead & RR
RFEwil 39 03.292 -108 33.677 WatsonIsland Tr 4,570 Bike Trail Watson Island Trail