GeoBiking CO_DN HSL Description

HylandStandly Hyland Creek and Farmers, NiverCr Canal trails
Trail Network Overview Trail creates loop off Big Dry Cr trail, followwing Hyland Cr Trail. Then follows Farmers Canal trail to Standley Lake, then S to Niver Canal Trail, following it E to 92nd & Wadsworth Pkwy then N to end.
Key HSL Connects to: US 36 Bikeway Also Known As: Farmers Highline Canal Trail
Hyland Cr Trail,  Niver Canal Trail
    104th Ave Trail
  Big Dry Creek Trail
Waypoints 27   Farmers Canal NE
  Lake 2 Lake
  West Mower Trail
  Westcliffe Trail
  92nd Ave Modified FCN changes + minor over time
  Sheridan Blvd 4/26/2020
Distance Statistics
Cycle Computer TrackLog Route   BDC Loop
8.3 7.6 10.7
Elevation Statistics
Start End Min Max Gain Ascent Descent Grade
5,270 5,355 5,270 5,547 85 379 1
Type Canal Rating Mild
Codes Fpdr Sections at start and near dam are packed dirt
Surfaces Mixture of concrete, packed gravel. Dirt track and some street.
Notes Section W of Independence can be muddy, use Independence to bypass if it is.
Broke up Farmers Highline Canal Trail to simplify trail routing & simplicity.
Track Color Map Color Track Starts @ Track Ends @
Red Red Big Dry Creek Trail near Promenade (HSLptt) Big Dry Cr Tr @ Wadsworth Pkwy (HSLbdcw)
Waypoint Longitude Latitude Comment Altitude Waypoint Type Long Description / note
HSLptt 39 53.294 -105 03.835 Promenade tr 5,270 Bike Trail Promenade Terrace Trail - Big Dry Cr Tr
HSLbdcn 39 53.294 -105  3.835 Big Dry Cr Trail 5,278 Bike Trail Cross Big Dry Creek Trail SW corner of Westminster Rec Center
HSL104 39 53.121 -105  3.726 104 Ave Underpass 5,298 Tunnel 104th Ave on S side of underpass
HSLaft 39 53.234 -105  3.844 AF Tribute 5,301 Scenic Area Armed Forces Tribute Garden
104th Tr
HSL-pk 39 52.908 -105  3.561 Waverly Park 5,319 Park Waverly park
HSLfcn 39 52.601 -105  3.434 FCN Tr 5,348 Bike Trail Farmers Canal NE trail junction
HSL98a 39 52.575 -105  3.452 Access To 98 5,344 Flag, Bkue Access to 98th near Sheridan, Parking
HSL-wb 39 52.569 -105  3.681 Westminster Blvd 5,386 Flag, Blue Westminster Blvd. - Go S on East side
HSLfcns 39 52.464 -105  4.613 FCN Tr S 5,410 Bike Trail FCN Tr S junction
HSL36b 39 52.276 -105  3.718 36B Tr 5,422 Bike Trail US 36 Bikeway Trail junction
HSL-wp 39 52.238 -105  3.791 Westclif Pkwy 5,449 Bike Trail ReStart canal Trail
Adams School Park
HSL-ps 39 51.834 -105  4.227 Pierce St 5,460 Flag, Blue Pierce St - Head W
HSLwpy 39 51.782 -105  5.030 92 + WadsPkwy Go S 5,450 Flag, Blue 92nd & Wadsworth Parkway
HSL-ct 39 51.701 -105  4.980 Canal Tr West 5,453 Flag, Blue Follow canal trail W
HSL-js 39 51.733 -105  5.469 90 Turn S 5,466 Bike Trail Trail junction, follow trail to S,
Canal goes underground
HSL2 39 51.543 -105  5.474 Canal AboveGround 5,509 Flag, Blue Via, canal above ground again
HSLkmp 39 51.579 -105  5.910 Kings Mill Park 5,532 Park Kings Mill Park
HSL-sp 39 51.586 -105  6.095 Sommerset Park 5,534 Park Sommerset Park
HSLbdcs 39 51.568 -105  6.397 BDC Tr S 5,541 Bike Trail Big Dry Cr Trail S junction
Standley Lake overlook
HSLnct 39 51.920 -105  6.497 Niver Canal Tr 5,455 Bike Trail Niver Canal Trail
Big Dry Cr Trail N Junction
HSLwmw 39 51.936 -105  6.337 W Mower Tr W 5,453 Bike Trail West Mower Trail W Junction
HSLwme 39 52.048 -105  5.773 W Mower Tr E 5,451 Bike Trail West Mower Trail E Junction
HSLopw 39 51.970 -105  5.686 Oakhurst Park W 5,453 Park Oakhurst Park West
HSL-jn 39 51.884 -105  5.472 Just N Of Hsl-js 5,457 Bike Trail Just N of HSL-JS waypoint
HSLope 39 51.827 -105  5.275 Oakhurst Park E 5,442 Park Oakhurst Park East
HSLwpw 39 51.785 -105  5.050 WadsPky Go N 5,441 Flag, Blue Wadsworth Pkwy, follow trail N
HSLbdcw 39 52.506 -105  5.656 BDC Tr W EOT 5,355 Bike Trail Big Dry Cr trail - end of HSL