GeoBiking CO_DN L2L Trail Description

Lake2Lake Lake to Lake trail with extension to Hyland Standley trail at the Promenade
Trail Network Overview Starts at NE end of Lake to Lake Tr
Key L2L Connects to: 287 Broom Long Tr CO_FN Also Known As: Lacamora Open Space trail
  US 36 Bikeway
  Broomfield Trail
Waypoints 29   BroomInFlat Tr
  Hyland Standley Lake
  Rock Creek Trail New Modified US 36 construction changes
1/30/09 9/15/15
Distance Statistics
Cycle Computer TrackLog Route   Roundtrip
14.4 8.7
Elevation Statistics
Start End Min Max Gain Ascent Descent Grade
5,399 5,287 5,233 5,551 -112 1,160 3
Type MUPS / Coverage Rating Mild to mid (climbs toward CO 128)
Codes FXdpr
Surfaces Mixture of gravel, concrete, Sidewalk, dirt, City Streets
Notes This trail has a break in the middle where it crosses RR tracks N of 36.
Track Color Map Color Track Starts @ Track Ends @
Blue Blue Big Dry Cr Tr  (BIFbdc) Near 110th & Sheridan Industrial Lane loop end (BIFeot)
Waypoint Longitude Latitude Comment Altitude Waypoint Type Long Description / note
L2Lstart 39 56.914 -105 03.961 Track start 5,399 Bike Trail Start of track NW of Durango Ave
 W of Aspen
L2Lvia 39 56.914 -105 03.961 Loop via 5,399 Flag, Blue Via Spur loops S&E to next point
L2Lbfdn 39 56.922 -105 03.784 BFD Tr N 5,380 Bike Trail Short Trail to Stratford Park & School
Head N then W
L2Lstart See Above Head W
L2Lopt 39 56.795 -105 04.588 Outlook Pk Tr 5,398 Bike Trail Tr to Outlook Park - head S
L2Lhpt 39 56.596 -105 04.744 Hemlock Pk Tr 5,417 Bike Trail Tr to Hemlock Park - Keep WSW
L2Lrrs 39 56.596 -105  5.160 RuthRoberts Spur 5,376 Bike Trail Ruth Roberts connecting Trail
L2Lrkcn 39 57.210 -105  5.279 RKC Tr N 5,241 Bike Trail Rock Creek Trail N junction
L2Lkst 39 56.317 -105 05.177 Kohl St Tr 5,401 Bike Trail Tr to Kohl St
L2L-qm 39 56.044 -105 05.307 Quartz Miramonte 5,443 Bike Trail Quartz & Miramonte - Leave dirt go W
L2L2bl 39 56.073 -105 05.430 2BL Tr 5,423 Bike Trail 287 BroomLong Tr
L2Ll2l 39 56.127 -105 05.467 Lake2Lake start 5,426 Bike Trail Lake to Lake trail takes off on W of 287
L2Llap 39 56.122 -105 05.923 Lac Amora Park 5,469 Bike Trail Short Trail to Lac Amora Park
L2Lrkcs 39 56.154 -105 06.482 RKC Tr S 5,340 Bike Trail Rock Creek Trail S junction
L2Llose 39 55.948 -105 06.466 E LacAmora OS 5,366 Bike Trail E side of Lac Amora OS - Josh's Pond
L2Llosw 39 55.973 -105 06.724 W LacAmora OS 5,366 Bike Trail W side of Lac Amora OS
L2Llacs 39 55.578 -105 06.535 S end LacAmora 5,416 Bike Trail Lacamora Trail S end follow Midway E
L2Lhssc 39 55.461 -105 06.244 Hoyt St Shortcut 5,420 Bike Trail Shortcut requires going over tracks &
deep ditch - follow BIF for concrete route
L2L36up 39 55.328 -105  6.350 36 Underpass 5,430 Tunnel  
L2L36spur 39 55.292 -105  6.375 US36bspur 5,432 Bike Trail Spur to US36 Tr
Trail to N
L2L36n 39 55.319 -105  6.425 US36 Tr N 5,401 Bike Trail US36 Tr N junction - not in route
L2Liep 39 55.233 -105 06.489 E Pavillion 5,472 Picnic Area Interlocken East Park - Pavillion
L2Lipib 39 55.274 -105 06.600 Interlocken PB 5,429 Flag, Blue Interlocken Blvd & Parkway - head E
L2L128w 39 54.963 -105 06.306 BIF Tr 128 W 5,515 Bike Trail BIF Tr 128th Ave W junction - 2BL Tr
L2L128e 39 54.832 -105 05.828 Bif Tr 128 E 5,442 Bike Trail BIF Tr 128th Ave E junction
L2Ljaa 39 54.535 -105 05.798 Jeffco AirAve 5,511 Flag, Blue Jeffco Airport Ave - go E
L2L36s 39 54.102 -105 04.968 US36 Tr S 5,389 Bike Trail Start Shoulder use - be careful
L2L112m 39 53.980 -105 04.326 112 Main S on E 5,357 Bike Trail Trail resumes S along Main on E side
L2W-mp 39 53.540 -105 04.316 Main Promenade 5,340 Flag, Blue Follow Promenade Tr E
OR go S on either side to 104 Trail
L2Lhsl 39 53.444 -105 03.774 HSL Tr - EOT 5,287 Bike Trail End Of Trail - HylandStandley Tr