CO_DS EG Trail Description

Evergreen Evergreen Lake & Elk Meadows
Trail Network Overview Follows Pioneer, Painters Pause, Elk Meadows, Elk Ridge and Shady S trails
Key EG Connects to: Also Known As: Pioneer Tr, Painters Pause Tr, Elk Meadows Tr, Elk Ridge Tr, Shady S Tr
Waypoints 29
New Last Modified Trail on N side closed as unsafe. Now uses trail on S.
Website 6/20/2014 8/15/2016
Distance Statistics
Cycle Computer TrackLog Route   Round Trip
13.8 9.8
Elevation Statistics
Start End Min Max Gain Ascent Descent Grade
7,049 7,555 7,045 7,080 506 2,223 5
Type MUPS, single track coverage Rating High because of elevation gain
Codes Rpc Track # 229
Surfaces Concrete paths, single track
Notes Path around S side of lake narrow, not recommended during peak periods!
Track Color Map Color Track Starts @ Track Ends @
Dark Cyan Teal Evergreen 73 / 74 junction (EG7374) Shady S Painters Pause Trail junction (EGse)
Waypoint Latitude Longitude Comment Altitude Waypoint Type Comment
EGdam 39 37.907 -105 19.379 Evergreen Lake 7,114 Dam Evergreen Lake Dam - Walking access to below dam
EGelt 39 37.937 -105 19.317 Evergreen Lake Tr 7,049 Bike Trail Trail on N side closed (unsafe)
EGeast 39 37.953 -105 19.217 East end 7,045 Bike Trail E end of track - not in route
EGstairs 39 37.863 -105 19.365 Stair Top 7,090 Square, Blue Metal stairs from S Base of dam
EGbci 39 37.857 -105 19.905 Boat Check In 7,084 Boat Ramp Pay small fee here to launch non- powered watercraft
EGcross 39 37.998 -105 19.806 UpperBearCr Rd 7,126 Crossing Across Rd and into Dedise Park
EGlakeRR 39 38.015 -105 19.613 PortaPotty @lake 7,093 Restroom Nearby parking is limited - Not in route
EGstage 39 39.192 -105 20.785 Stagecoach Blvd 7,420 Flag, Blue Via
EGse 39 39.838 -105 21.476 Shady Tr E 7,555 Bike Trail E junction of Shady S Tr - route continues N
EGfe 39 40.120 -105 21.615 Founders Tr E 7,622 Bike Trail Founders Tr E - not part of track coverage
EGeme 39 40.602 -105 21.971 ElkMeadows Tr E 7,787 Bike Trail Elk Meadow Tr E - route continues N
EGtc 39 41.014 -105 22.047 Troublesome Cr 7,751 Flag, Blue Via W of Buchanan Ponds
EGbrr 39 41.115 -105 21.848 Buchanan RR 7,760 Bike Trail Buchanan ball fields RR
EGbpl 39 41.279 -105 21.891 BergenPark SW 7,792 Bike Trail Bergen Park Loop - route coninues N
EGpnr 39 41.455 -105 21.768 Bergen PnR 7,777 Parking Area Bergern Park Park & Ride
EGbp 39 41.455 -105 21.710 Bergen Park 7,780 Park Bergen Park - parking, RR shade
Egbpse 39 41.272 -105 21.774 BergenPark SE 7,756 Flag, Blue Head W to end park loop
EGbpl See Above Backtrack
EGbrr See Above continue backtrack
EGtc See Above continue backtrack
EGeme See Above HEad W on Elk Meadow Trail
EGfw 39 40.355 -105 22.149 Founders Tr W 7,838 Bike Trail Founders Tr W - (not part of track coverage)
EGtlt 39 40.266 -105 22.526 TooLong Tr 8,049 Bike Trail Too Long Trail - (not part of track coverage)
EGbench 39 39.957 -105 22.750 Bench 8,047 Bike Trail Rest spot
EGerw 39 39.771 -105 22.347 ElkRidge Tr W 8,033 Bike Trail Elk Ridge Tr W junction - Route goes S
EGbpt 39 39.603 -105 22.309 BergenPeak Tr 8,019 Bike Trail Bergen Peak Tr - not part of (track coverage)
EGsw 39 39.419 -105 21.744 Shady Tr W 7,848 Bike Trail Shady S Tr W junction - Route goes E
EGsrr 39 39.327 -105 21.978 S TH Restroom 7,809 Restroom not in route
EGsth 39 39.274 -105 21.992 S TH 7,791 Parking Area Elk Meadow S Trailhead - not in route
You can follow Stage Coach Rd to (EGstage)
EGere 39 39.719 -105 21.869 ElkRidge Tr E 7,731 Bike Trail Elk Ridge Tr E junction - Route goes NE
EGespur 39 39.844 -105 21.550 Spur to E TH 7,622 Bike Trail Spur Tr to Elk Meadow E Trailhead
EGerr 39 39.798 -105 21.513 E TH Restroom 7,613 Restroom  
EGeth 39 39.798 -105 21.513 E TH Parking 7,618 Parking Area Elk Meadow E Trail head - not in route
EGse See Above End of Route