GeoBiking CO_DS LDG Trail Description

LeeDadGulch Lee and Dad Clark Gulch Trails with connecting links
Trail Network Overview Follows Lee Gultch trail from S. Platte River to C470 trail, then goes thru Dad Clark college using West Fork, Diamond K, Kistler & Grandview trails to Marcy Gulch trail & ends at the Higline Canal Trail near Redstone Park.
Key LDG Connects to: C470 Trail Also Known As: Diamond K Tr, Grandview Tr, W Fork Tr
  Grandview Trail
Waypoints 19   Highline Canal Trail W
  MarcyGulch BigDry Tr
  Platte River Trail S Split Off Last Modified Split Marcy Gulch Tr off to extend that trail.
MEW Tr to MGDB name change
  SpringFootDad Trail 2/28/2009 11/11/2010
Distance Statistics
Cycle Computer TrackLog Route   Round Trip
9.7 7.8
Elevation Statistics
Start End Min Max Gain Ascent Descent Grade
5,328 5,785 5,328 5,913 457 979 2
Type MUPS / Drainage Rating Mid to Mild  A lot of ups & downs,
Codes R*Fprcd
Surfaces Starts out with over 3 miles of packed dirt, then wide concrete.  A couple short sections of street/sidewalk
Notes Most of the major roads in Highlands Ranch have bike lanes on both sides if you need a shortcut.
Track Color Map Color Track Starts @ Track Ends @
Dark Blue Blue Platte River Trail S & Lee Gulch Trail (LDGprs) Marcy Gulch Tr @ Broadway (LDGmgt)
Waypoint Latitude Longitude Comment Altitude Waypoint Type Long Description / note
LDGprs 39 35.901  -105  1.468 PRS Tr 5,328 Bike Trail Platte River S Trail (1.3 mi from PRScnc)
LDG-pk 39 35.870  -105  1.140 Ridgewood Pk W 5,374 Park Ridgewood Park W
LDGrwp 39 35.742  -105  0.912 Ridgewood Park 5,383 Park Ridgewood Park E,  Tennis
LDG-ap 39 35.502  -105  0.415 Ashbaugh Park 5,407 Park Ashbaugh Park
LDGhcw 39 34.769  -104 59.463 Highline Canal W 5,469 Bike Trail Highline Canal W Trail E junction E junction
LDG-pp 39 34.550  -104 58.648 Puma Park 5,607 Park Puma Park, Baseball
LDGpms 39 34.429  -104 58.546 Powell Middle S 5,615 School Powell Middle School
LDGc47e 39 33.907  -104 58.348 C47 Tr E Go W 5,705 Bike Trail C470 Tr Go west, trail entrance between 2 dealers
LDGc47w 39 33.883  -104 59.306 C47 Tr W Brdwy 5,616 Bike Trail Broadway, Go S leaving C470
LDGwft 39 33.494  -104 59.303 W Fork Tr 5,589 Bike Trail Follow W Fork Tr West
LDGdce 39 33.285  -104 59.624 Dad Clark Tr 5,583 Bike Trail Follow Dad Clark Tr Southward
LDGteb 39 33.139  -104 59.584 T E to Broadway 5,580 Bike Trail Trail E to Broadway
LDGdkt 39 32.919  -104 59.494 Diamond K Tr 5,617 Bike Trail Start Diamond K Trail
LDGsfd 39 32.750  -104 59.095 SFD Tr foothills 5,659 Bike Trail Foothills Trail (SpringFootDad) crossing
LDG-kp 39 32.502  -104 58.842 Kistlers Park RR 5,725 Park Kistlers Park, Restroom
LDGgv 39 32.447 -104 58.753 Grand View Tr 5,749 Bike Trail Trail Eastern part of Grand View Trail 
LDG-kt 39 32.386  -104 58.826 Kistler Tr 5,752 Bike Trail Follow Kistler Trail
LDGgvt 39 31.986  -104 58.666 Grandview Tr W 5,860 Bike Trail Follow Grandview Trail W
LDGmgdb 39 31.932  -104 59.171 MGDB Tr - EOT 5,785 Bike Trail EOT @ Marcy Gulch Tr (MGDB)