GeoBiking CO_DS PRS Trail Description

PlatteRiverS S Platte River S of Cherry Creek Confluence
Trail Network Overview Follows S Platte River from Cherry Cr confluence to Highline Canal S of Chatfield Resevoir
Track starts at Invesco field, N to Confluence Park then S on W side - Route starts at Confluence Park
Track also covers both sides of river between Union & Bowles
Key PRS Connects to: Platte River Trail N shares Also Known As: Mary Carter Geenway
  Bear Cr Trail
Waypoints 38   Big Dry Cr (South)
  C470 Trail
  Cherry Cr N Trail
  Columbine Trail
  The Gold Line
  Highline Canal Trail
  Lakewood Sloan Trail
  Lee Dad Gulch Trail
  Little Dry Quincy
  Mineral Ave Trail
  TwoBrand CG Trail
  Waterton Canyon Trail Last Modified Changed Sections especially Chatfield Trails
  Weir Sanderson Gulch Trail 5/26/2020
Distance Statistics
Cycle Computer TrackLog Route   Round Trip
33.4 25.1 45.8
Elevation Statistics
Start End Min Max Gain Ascent Descent Grade
5,187 5,540 5,187 5,536 353 1,027 674 1
Type Regional Drainage Rating Easy except for sections near Dam, long trail
Codes R*pc Track #
Surfaces Wide Concrete - some soft surface E of Plum Cr (near PRScet)
Notes Speed limit is 15 MPH on trail.  Well marked trail. - Steep dirt near Dam Tr
Highline Canal trail comes within 40 yards @ PRSdamt and end of trail S from PRScet (No official connections at these points)
Trail connections from highline canal on E side are under negotiations/planning
Track Color Map Color Track Starts @ Track Ends @
Green Bright Green Mile High Stadium next to river (PRS-cp) Highline Canal Tr in Chatfield State Park (PRShct)
Waypoint Latitude Longitude Comment Altitude Waypoint Type Long Description / note
PRSmhs 39 44.578 -105  1.003 MileHi Stadiurm LSG Tr N 5,199 Stadium Mile High Stadium - LGS trail behind it
Trail goes N on E side to confluence park then back on W
PRS-cp 39 45.280 -105  0.539 Confluence Park 5,208 Bike Trail Confluence Park, trail on both sides of river to Mile Hih Stadium
S side has trail to Pepsi Center.
PRSmhs See Above
PRSlgs 39 44 339 -105  1.097 LGS  GL Tr 5,196 Bike Trail NEW Lakewood Gulch and Gold Line Trail Start
Moved during Light Rail construction
PRSwgt 39 43.871 -105  1.060 WGS Tr N 5,208 Bike Trail Weir Gulch Tr (Weir Sanderson Trail)
PRS-8 39 43.723 -105  0.955 8th Ave Parking 5,213 Parking Area 8th Ave, Parking
PRS-vp 39 42.387 -105  0.107 Valverde Park 5,224 Parking Area Valverde Park
PRSjhp 39 42.28 -104 59.864 Johnson Habitat 5,231 Park Johnson Habitat Park, Boy Scout training, Dog Park.  For Sanderson Gulch Tr: Stay W of River, follow S Platte R Drive about 800 feet
PRSolp 39 41.440 -104 59.816 Overland Lake Pk 5,252 Park Overland Lake Park, Porta Potty, Sanderson Gulch Tr, More parking etc further S.
PRSwsg 39 41.339 -104 59.963 WSG Tr S 5,244 Bike Trail Sanderson Gulch Tr (Weir Sanderson Trail) S junction
PRSahp 39 40.818 -104 59.896 Asbury + Huron 5,263 Park Park at Asbury & S Huron
PRSgfp 39 40.563 -104 59.845 Grant Frontier P 5,256 Park Grant-Frontier Park
PRSwsp 39 40.458 -104 59.877 Wesley+S Platte 5,257 Park Wesley & S. Platte Park
PRSldq 39 39.596 -105  0.222 LDQ Tr 5,262 Bike Trail Little Dry Cr Trail (South) S of Dartmouth
PRSbct 39 39.077 -105  0.571 Bear Cr Trail 5,267 Bike Trail Bear Creek Trail
PRS-ox 39 38.593 -105  0.937 Oxford St 5,285 Parking Area Oxford St, Parking
PRScpk 39 38.036 -105   1.128 Centennial park 5,297 Park Centennial Park
PRSubc 39 37.935 -105  0.927 Union Boat chute 5,309 Parking Area Union Ave Boat Chutes, Parking
PRSbds 39 37.851 -105  0.995 BDS Tr 5,302 Bike Trail S Big Dry Cr Trail - Not complete
Path on both sides of river between these two points
PRScol 39 36.808 -105  1.521 COL Tr 5,315 Bike Trail Columbine trail to West past tennis courts
PRS-hg 39 36.352 -105  1.431 Hudson Gardens 5,337 Restroom Hudson Gardens, public Restroom
PRSlgt 39 35.901 -105  1.468 Lee Gulch Trail 5,348 Bike Trail Lee Gulch Trail (lee Marcy Gulch)
PRScnc 39 35.041 -105  1.742 Carson Nature Ctr 5,359 Parking Area Carson Nature Center, Parking, 14 miles
PRSmat 39 34.821 -105  2.018 MAT Tr 5,352 Bike Trail Mineral Ave Trail, RTD park N Ride
PRSspp 39 34.017 -105  2.437 SPlatte Prk RR 5,386 Parking Area Parking, 15.5 milesfrom start
Access to park off S Platte Canyon Rd at turn to W
PRSc470n 39 33.975 -105  2.611 C470 Tr N 5,371 Bike Trail C470 Tr N junction - cross bridge to S
PRSc470s 39 33.916 -105  2.573 C470 TR S 5,371 Bike Trail C470 Tr S junction - Head W
PRScwg 39 33.864 -105  2.767 Cottonwood Grove 5,477 Parking Area Dog Training area, Parking
PRSloop 39 33.682 -105  4.073 Chatfield Loop 5,531 Bike Trail Chatfield reservoir loop start/end - track is CCW
PRSspur 39 33.531 -105  4.396 Spur to C470 Tr 5,471 Bike Trail Spur to C470 Trail
PRSc470w 39 33.540 -105  4.510 C470 Tr W 5,493 Bike Trail C470 Tr (West) - not in route
PRScpw 39 32.526 -105  5.279 CSP W Entrance 5,458 Toll Booth Chatfield State Park W entrance -  No fee to trail users
PRStbcg 39 32.291 -105  5.264 TBCG Tr 5,450 Bike Trail Two Brands Tr & Chatfield Green trails - mostly soft surface
PRSwct 39 31.202 -105  4.910 Waterton Cnyn 5,456 Bike Trail WCT Waterton Canyon Trail - Parking
S Platte River runs along
PRS-sc 39 32.060 -105  4.308 Slocumb Cabin 5,502 Scenic Area Slocum Cabin, trail access only
PRS2 39 32.676 -105  3.802 Marina Via 5,450 Flag, Blue Via @ Marina Parking
PRSpcth 39 31.917 -105  2.739 Plum Cr TH 5,473 Parking Area Plum Cr Trail Trailhead
PRScte 39 32.279 -105  2,451 HCW Tr to E 5,504 Bike Trail Highliine Canal Trail W across RR tracks
PRSdol 39 33.287 -105  2.907 Overlook loop 5,535 Scenic Area Overlook area with benches Hard surface W on dam
PRSloop See Above End of track