GeoBiking CO_DS SFD Trail Description

SpringFootDad Spring Gulch, Foothills Trail, Dad Clark Trail
Trail Network Overview Combination of three main Trails + smaller trails (Spring Gulch, Foothills Trail & Dad Clark Trail) snaking across Highlands Ranch, crossing itself a few times in the process.
Key SFD Connects to: Douglas Cnty E/W Tr Also Known As: Middle Fork Trail
Waypoints 19 Marcy Gulch BigDry Highlands Last Modified Moved Start across street to MGBD Tr
Distance Statistics
Cycle Computer TrackLog Route   Round Trip
11.2 8.5
Elevation Statistics
Start End Min Max Gain Ascent Descent Grade
5,575 5,594 5,567 5,872 19 829 3
Type MUPS / Coverage Rating Medium +  Trail goes up & down following and crossing drainages.  Foothills Trail has more up/down and is dirt.
Codes R*Fpcd
Surfaces Wide concrete or Dirt
Notes Can be combined with LMG trail to create a loop of about 23 miles, or Highline Canal W C470 & S Broadway as connecting trails.
  Waypoints in blue are not included in route (optional).
Track Color Map color Track Starts @ Track Ends @
Red Red MarcyGulch Tr E of Redstone park (SFDmgbd) Northridge Park & Rec Center (SFDnrp)
Waypoint Latitude Longitude Comment Altitude Waypoint Type Long Description / note
SFDmgbd 39 32.821 -105  1.352 MGBD Tr 5,575 Bike Tr Marcy Gulch Big Dry Cr Highlands Trail
SFD-rp 39 32.722 -105  1.416 Redstone Park 5,589 Park Redstone Park East parking lot S side
Lee Marcy Gulch Trail to E
SFDsgp 39 31.709 -105  0.980 Spring Gulch Prk 5,670 Park Spring Gulch Park
SFDfht 39 31.629 -105  0.442 Foothills Tr 5,713 Bike Tr Foothills Trail - Follow Trail NE
SFDdewop 39 31.342 -105  0.773 DEW Tr Option 5,744 Bike Tr Optional connection - not in route
SFDlm1 39 32.098 -104 59.935 LMG 1st Tr Cross 5,674 Bike Tr LMG Trail 1st Crossing (Marcy Gulch)
SFDtr1 39 32.631 -104 59.268 Subdiv Tr 5,685 Bike Tr Trail Crossing
SFDlm2 39 32.749 -104 59.090 LMG Kistler Tr 5,677 Bike Tr LMG Trail 2nd Crossing (Kistler Tr)
SFDnrt 39 33.024 -104 58.820 Northridge Trail 5,673 Bike Tr Northridge Trail (Goes NW to Rec center)
SFDmfx 39 33.278 -104 58.500 Cross SFD Tr 5,639 Bike Tr Middle Fork Trail Crossing
(part of this track)
SFDdct 39 33.402 -104 58.340 Dad Clark Tr 5,635 Bike Tr Dad Clark Trail Crossing
This track later uses portion of that trail.
SFDsce 39 33.656 -104 57.976 Sand Cr Elem 5,766 School Sand Cr Elementary (end foothills trail)
Double back to Go NW on Dad Clark Tr
SFDdc2 39 33.553 -104 58.133 to Dad Clark Tr 5,695 Bike Tr Dad Clark Trail connecting section - left
Take hard left (East) at trail.
SFDscp 39 33.300 -104 57.638 Sand Cr Park 5,722 Park Sand Cr Park (East side)
SFD-tp 39 32.924 -104 57.474 Toefper Park 5,770 Park Toepfer Park Trail (1st of 2 trails to park) You can go thru park & L on Venneford Ranch Rd if you like.
SFD-dw 39 32.664 -104 57.330 EOT Dalton Way 5,827 Waypoint End of trail section, follow Dalton Trail either direction (loop off Venneford)
SFDmft 39 32.509 -104 57.694 Middlefork Tr 5,856 Bike Tr Middle Fork Trail starts just West of Southern (2nd)  junction of Dalton Way & Venneford Ranch Rd.
SFDmfw 39 32.710 -104 58.027 Middlefork West 5,748 Bike Tr Middle Fork Trail (West Stub)
SFDnrp 39 33.358 -104 59.145 Northridge Park 5,594 Park Northridge Park & Rec Center
End of trail.
LeeMarcyGulch trail across Broadway