GeoBiking CO_DS WLT Trail Description

WillowLone Combination of South suburban Trails: Little Dry Cr, Willow Cr & Cook Cr
Trail Network Overview Follows the southern Little Dry Creek from Highline Canal (center) near Orchard Road to Willow Cr trail.  Then Cook Cr trail to it's end at a pipline trail  following it W to the Wildcat powerline Tr.
Then S on that trail to the Grandview Tr, then west to Big Dry Cr Nature area Tr.  Then W to Colo blvd, North to Big Dry Cr trail folling it to it's next break in the trail at the Highline Canal at Julia DeKovand Park
Key WLT Connects to: C470 Also Known As: Cook Cr Tr, Little Dry Cr Tr
  Grand View Trail
  Highline Canal Center
Waypoints 16   Vista Trail Split Off Last Modified Split off Big Dry Cr trail and extended S toward Bluffs
  Wild Cat Bluffs 2/28/2009
Distance Statistics
Cycle Computer TrackLog Route Loop Round Trip
10.1 7.0
Elevation Statistics
Start End Min Max Gain Ascent Descent Grade
5,495 6,019 5,492 6,021 524 917 2
Type MUPS / Drainage Rating Mild +
Codes Rpbca
Surfaces Concrete, asphalt, on-street bike lanes
Notes Most of the major roads in Highlands Ranch have bike lane on both sides if you need a shortcut.
Track Color Map Color Track Starts @ Track Ends @
Cyan Sky Blue Intersection of Highline Canal (Center) trail & Little Dry Cr Tr (WLTldt) Intersection of Highline Canal Center & West sections & Big Dry Cr Tr in Julia Dekovand Park (WLTjdp)
Waypoint Latitude Longitude Comment Altitude Waypoint Type Long Description / note
WLTorp 39 36.598  -104 56.452 Orchard Rd Prkng 5,509 Parking Area Orchard Rd Highline Parking, porta potty
WLTldt 39 36.457  -104 56.290 Little Dry Cr Tr 5,495 Bike Trail Little Dry Creek Trail starts track & Loop
WLThvp 39 36.189  -104 55.804 HeritageValleyPk 5,518 Park Heritage Valley Park  School
WLT-hd 39 35.877  -104 55.287 Holly Dam 5,546 Dam Holly Dam
WLTldc 39 35.742  -104 55.222 LDC Continues E 5,570 Bike Trail Little Dry Cr Tr continues E Short distance, Go S for Willow Cr
WLTwct 39 35.506  -104 54.982 WillowCr Tr Start 5,610 Bike Trail Willow Cr Tr Starts
WLT-he 39 34.874  -104 54.715 Homestead Elem 5,614 School Homestead Elementary
WLThpt 39 34.787  -104 54.676 Tr 2 Holly Park 5,614 Bike Trail Trail to Holly Park - also connects to next wpt park
WLTfrp 39 34.657  -104 54.372 Foxridge Park 5,650 Bike Trail Trail to Foxridge Park
WLTwcp 39 34.411  -104 53.974 Willow Cr Park 5,666 Park Willow Cr Park
WLTc47 39 33.881  -104 53.303 C470 Tr Spur 5,728 Bike Trail C470 Trail via short spur
WLTswp 39 33.059  -104 53.406 Sweetwater Park 5,817 Park Sweetwater Park
WLTccp 39 32.876  -104 53.290 Cook Cr ParkPool 5,835 Park Cook Cr Park & Pool must go around GC to Lincoln
a) Go SE to E side of Yosemite or
B)Go SW on Lone Tree Pkwy
WLTlae 39 32.190 -104 52.611 Lincoln Ave E 5,911 Bike Trail Linoln Ave E - Go W on N side
WLTcct 39 32.176  -104 53.974 Cook Cr Trail 5,959 Bike Trail Cook Cr Trail Starts
WLTplt 39 31.745  -104 53.790 Pipline Tr Go W 6,019 Bike Trail Pipline Trail,