CO_DN HFO Trail Description

HomeFOrchard Home Farm Subdivision Loop + Huron St & Orchard areas
Trail Network Overview Loop around Webster Lake, then covers Home Farm subdivision then N along MUPS by I25 & Huron
Merges HFL & HOH trails (assumes track # of HOH Trail 202 - HFL was not numbered)
Key HFO Connects to: 128th MUP Also Known As: Home Farm Loop, Huntington MUPs
  Big Dry Creek Trail
  Farmers Canal Trail New
Waypoints 36   McKay BroadLnd 03/25/16
  Signal Ditch Trail Modified
  UP German
Distance Statistics
Cycle Computer TrackLog Route   Round Trip
14.1 11.5
Elevation Statistics
Start End Min Max Gain Ascent Descent Grade
5,404 5,140 5,121 5,402 -264 721 1
Type MUPS / Coverage Rating Mild, no prolonged steep sections
Codes Fpd R except for sections near BigDryCr Trail
Surfaces Mostly concrete path, some street & dirt
Track # 202
Notes: E.B.Raines Park paddle boat rental
Northglen Police & rec center at start
2016 Northglen rec center is being replaced, trail subject to change after move occurs.
  Currently a small break in trail @ HFOxxx - ongoing construction!
May need to use trails along Huron if path closed!
Track Color Map Color Track Starts @ Track Ends @
Green Bright Green EB Raines Park E Entrance (HFOebe) Union Pacific/German Tr (HFOupg)
Waypoint Longitude Latitude Comment Altitude Waypoint Type   Long Description / note
HFOebr 39 54.565 -104 59.189 EB W Parking 5,404 Parking Area EB Raines Park 118 & Grant
HFOebe 39 54.518 -104 59.034 EB E Parking 5,398 Parking Area EB Raines Park E 117th Ave
HFOfcns 39 54.483 -104 59.054 FCN Tr S 5,409 Bike Trail Farmers Canal Tr - not in route
HFObrn 39 54.691 -104 59.022 Bridge Tr 5,399 Flag, Blue Trail to Bridge/120 & Shopping
HFOfcne 39 54.713 -104 59.010 FCN Tr E 5,390 Bike Trail Farmers Canal Tr - not in route
HFOebr See Above Exit Park to W
HFOnrp 39 54,584 -194 59.254 NG Rec Police 5,407 Fitness Center Rec Center N - Police S
HFOupe 39 54.719 -104 59.405 Underpass E I25 5,375 Tunnel E of I25 Underpass
HFOupw 39 54.728 -104 59.454 Underpass W I25 5,378 Tunnel Underpass on W of I 25
HFOrtt 39 54.692 -104 59.787 RTD Trail 5,381 Flag, Blue RTD trail at Huron
HFOhur 39 54.818 -104 59.823 120 Huron 5,364 Flag, Blue 120th & Huron (Digital Globe)
HFO120e 39 54.851 -105  0.356 120 Tr E 5,375 Bike Trail 120th MUP E junction (N side)
HFO120w 39 54.854 -105  0.641 120 Tr W -Tejon 5,344 Bike Trail 120th & Tejon - Use S side to Pecos st.
HFOhfs 39 55.215 -105 b0.503 HomeFarm Tr S 5,276 Bike Trail Start Home Farm Trail
HFOhfm 39 55.450 -105 00.514 HomeFarm Tr Mid 5,228 Bike Trail Trail split - Take hard right
HFObdc 39 55.481 -105 00.633 BDC 128 Trails 5,211 Bike Trail Big Dry Cr Trail & 128th MUP,
not in route
HFOhfe 39 55.329 -104 59.824 HomeFarm Tr E 5,290 Bike Trail Home Farm Trail (east)
HFOshm 39 55.330 -104 59.789 SilverHills MS 5,296 School Follow Tr E on S side of school
HFOwbp 39 55.201 -104 59.546 WillowBrook Park 5,310 Park Willow Brook Park - Track N
HFO128up 39 55.685 -104 59.404 128 UP 5,325 Tunnel Not Complete to N - Go W
HFO128 39 55.705 -104 59.794 128th MUP 5,231 Bike Trail Temporary bypass till completed
HFObdcw 39 56.017 -104 59.778 BDC Tr W 5,173 Bike Trail Share BDC Tr to E
HFObdcs 39 56.106 -104 59.352 BDC Tr S 5,176 Bike Trail Share BDC Tr to N
HFO stub S will connect in future
HFObdcswt 39 56.228 -104 59.325 BDC Tr N SWT S 5,161 Bike Trail Share SWT Tr N over Big Dry Cr
HFOswtn 39 56.245 -104 59.321 SWT Tr N 5,166 Bike Trail End SWT share - continue N
HFO136up 39 56.603 -104 59.388 136 UP 5,184 Tunnel Continue N on E side of Lowes
HFOxxx 39 57.041 -104 59.391 Trail Break 5,185 Flag, Red Construction area
may not be open / connect
HFOoup 39 57.248 -104 59.642 Orchard UP 5,206 Tunnel Continue W thru Huntington
HFOhup 39 57.257 -104 59.827 Huron UP 5,211 Tunnel Keep heading W
HFOmkb 39 57.448 -105  0.575 MKB Tr 5,257 Bike Trail Head back E on N side of 144th
HFO144h 39 57.467 -104 59.831 Huron 144 5,223 Flag,Blue Head N on W side of Huron
HFOupn 39 58.101 -104 59.832 N Huron UP 5,213 Tunnel Head E
HFO-n 39 58.091 -104 59.329 N Via 5,200 Flag, Blue Time to head S
HFOsas 39 57.484 -104 59.415 St Anthony Spur 5,206 Flag, Blue Spur to S - dead end for now
HFOomse 39 57.471 -104 59.497 Mall SE 5,208 Flag, Blue Follow Tr E on N side of 144
HFOwash 39 57.461 -104 58.685 Lane on N side 5,152 Flag, Blue Marked Lane on N side E of here
HFOupg 39 57.456 -104 58.100 UPG Tr 5,140 Bike Trail UnionPacific/German Trail - EOT