GeoBiking CO_DS MAT Trail Description

MineralAve Mineral Ave Trail
Trail Network Overview Follows Mineral Avenue trail from Platte Canyon Dr to Highline Canal Trail W section across from Writers Vista Park
Key MAT Connects to: Columbine Trail Also Known As: Railroad Spur Tr
  Highline Canal Trail W
Waypoints 10   Platte River Trail S New Last Modified
Distance Statistics
Cycle Computer TrackLog Route   Round Trip
2.7 2.5
Elevation Statistics
Start End Min Max Gain Ascent Descent Grade
5,439 5,533 5,345 5,533 94 217 2
Type MUPS / Connector Rating Mild - steepest section at E end.
Codes R*Fpcd
Surfaces Mostly concrete - wide packed crushers/dirt on E end
Notes Railroad spur was used during WWII to store ammunition cars - bench is awesome!
Track Color Map Color Track Starts @ Track Ends @
Dark Red Dark Red Columbine Manor Park at Platte Canyon Dr & Mineral Ave (MATcmp) Highline Canal Trail across from Writers Vista Park (MAThcw)
Waypoint Latitude Longitude Comment Altitude Waypoint Type Long Description / note
MATcmp 39 34.862 -105  3.212 Manor Park 5,439 Park Columbine Manor Park - track Start - limited parking
MATcoln 39 34.881 -105  3.092 COL Tr N 5,428 Bike Trail Columbine Tr N junction - share S
MATcols 39 34.852 -105  3.100 COL Tr S 5,428 Bike Trail Columbine Tr S junction - Go E on N side
MATprsw 39 34.902 -105  1.938 PRS Tr W 5,347 Bike Trail Platte River S Tr W junction - share E
MATprse 39 34.916 -105  1.845 PRS Tr E 5,347 Bike Trail Platte River S Tr E junction - go S
MATpnr 39 34.790 -105  1.629 RTD PNR 5,387 Truck Stop Mineral Avenue Park & Ride - Light Rail
MAT-sf 39 34.753 -105  1.573 Use S side E 5,396 Waypoint Use S side to cross Santa Fe & Go E
MATjah 39 34.682 -105  1.279 Jackass Hill Rd 5,452 Waypoint Cross Mineral on W side of Jackass Hill Rd
MATrrs 39 34.708 -105  1.275 RR spur Tr 5,441 Scenic Area Railroad Spur Tr - Scenic bench
MAThcw 39 34.417 -105  0.656 HCW Tr - EOT 5,533 Bike Trail Highline Canal Tr - End of this trail