Aspen Hanger


GeoBiking.Org 3G

Satellite III

CO_70 I70 Mountains

This zone covers trails along I70 in the mountains

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To display trail overview: click on "Key" ------- Table is horizontally scrollable ------ Alerts are red highlighted.
Tkey Name Track Codes Notes Alerts
ABC ABC Cemetary Lane + 5 Rpca
AHR Avon High Rd 6.3 Rpca;
ASP Aspen S Paths 5.3 Rpca
BCA Brush Cr Aspen 7.2 R*Fpcad Dirt between Jaffee Park & Rio Grande Tr
BR9 Blue River / Hwy 9 13.9 Rpca New Aug 14
CCC Clear Creek Canyon 4.1 Rpc Bicycles not allowed on highway in canyon! Ongoing Construction at downstream end.
CCIS Clear Cr Idaho Springs 6.2 Rpacr Ongoing construction
CCSP Clear Cr - Silver Plume section 2.2 Rpac Almost all downhill
CLA Connected Lakes + Audubon Trails 7.4 Rpac
CV Crystal Valley 7.2 Rpa New Oct 14
DRL Dillon Reservoir Loop 18.8 Rpcard Swan Mtn 6% grade
ELT Eagle Loop Trail 12.9 Rpacl New 6/17
EVR Eagle Valley Regional 10.2 Rpca
F2G Fraser to Granby Trail 17.6 Msdl New Sept 14 Granby Ranch section Closed 11/15-4/15
FL Frisco Loop 7.9 Rpcad Route doesn't cover entire track
FR Frisco BreckenRidge 10.9 Rpa Steepest between Peak 1 & Swan Mtn
FRT Fraser River Trail 11.8 R*Fpcad New Sept 14
GROS Gunnison River Bluff + Old Spanish Trail 14.9 Mdsr New Aug 2020
GVT Gore Valley Trail 12.6 Rpcal
GWC Glenwood Canyon Trail 16.4 Rpcar Award winning trail
GYP Gypsum I70 MUP 12.9 Rpacl New 6/17
KSM KeyStone Montezuma 8.5 RPcard Trail has some choices for shortcuts
LBV Loveland to Bakerville 4.9 Rpa New Aug 14
MAC Midland Atkinson Conservatory Park 13.6 Rpar New Oct 14 - Midland starts out wide, then narrows greatly
MB MineralBelt 11.7 Rpal Great Self Guided History Tour Cross Country Ski trail in winter
MRL Monument Rd Lanes 6.8 Rba Track covers both sides
OWL Owl Cr Trail 7.3 Rpca
RFE River Front E 13.7 Rpbac Contains road lanes to connect sections
RFW River Front Trail W 13.9 Rpac
RGR Rio Grande Regional Trail 42.1 Rpcad Not Ground Verified Brush Cr Tr to Glenwood
RM Redlands Mesa 5.8 Rpca
RPB River Bend Park 1.8 Rbc
RRP Redlands and Riverside Pky MUPs 12.6 Rpac
SVT Silverthorne 4.7 Rpcar New Aug 14
TMC TenMileCanyon 11.7 Rpal Runs in I70 Median near Vail Pass
VNR Vail N Recpath 7.1 Rpca
VP Vail Pass 11.3 Rpcal


CO_70 Zone -- Slide Show, Map and Weather Selection


Aspen Area

  • ABC - Airport Business Center & Cemetary Lane +
  • ASP - Aspen S Paths
  • BCA - Brush Cr Aspen
  • OWL - Owl Cr

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