GPX_XML_batch GPX Data consolidater & translator
- Combines all .gpx files in selected directory
- GPX2img output
- Used as input to GPX2img program to generate Garmin map overlay
- May include Waypoints (as POI) and Tracks (as road types that have special pattern with same color as tracklogs)
- Some waypoints that do not have a map POI, are translated
- e.g. "Bike Trail" becomes "City (Medium)" = Dark Green Dot
- e.g. "Waypoint" or "Flag, Blue" becomes a "Manmade Feature" = green dot
- e.g. "Skull and Crossbones" becomes "Danger Area" (red square with inner red diamond)
- e.g. "Flag, Red" becomes "Restriced Area" (same as "Danger Area" with cross inside diamond)
- e.g. Colored shape symbols other than above get translated to "Navaid Green" (or Blue or Red as appropriate) displayed as large colored circle
- GPX format may include Waypoints, Routes and Tracks
- No Conversion or translation is done
- Does not deal with KML currently
You can obtain the GPX_XML_batch application here.
Simply extract files from zip and execute setup.exe